In my earlier post "Truce Reached", I had mentioned that Reliance offered me on-net talk time of Rs.1000/= value. Though I had asked them to specify it in writing, since no such scheme for Rs. 1000/- value was displayed in their web-site, at that time they had given me only verbal explanations about this offer.
From their web-site you will find out that two schemes are available under this so called on-net talk time for 30 days and 45 days. In both the schemes, you can make calls to any mobile or landline and different rates are prescribed for inter circle/intra circle/ RIM to RIM etc.
Upon my persistent email, their customer care executive has atlast replied me in writing.According to his email, what has been offered to me is something very strange and peculiar and not covered under any of these schemes. Under their offer, I can make calls to any RIM-inter circle or intra circle. That too for a period of three months. Thereafter, all incoming calls can be received till the end of the first year.
Now I am convinced that they have devised this peculiar plan only to avoid further embarrassment, while appearing to appease me.
Message to Anil Ambani
Good job Mr Anil Ambani. If your people can create peculiar talk-plans to give away to complainants like me, what prevented them from restoring the original plan to which I subscribed to. Probably your greed for making more money from the gullible people, does not permit them to redress genuine grievances in a fair manner. Don't heave a sigh of relief. I will make this blog more popular so that it is read by a lot of netizens. This I promise, Anil.